Improvements to Recruitment
We have made a couple of small improvements to the Recruitment module in HR Partner to make your hiring life a little easier.

Firstly as shown in (1) above, we have added the space for an internal note against a job listing. This area is for notes that will only be visible to your selection panel when reviewing job applicants.
These notes will never be shown to the applicant at any time, so it can be used to record things like expected salary ranges or negotiation points, or other private information about the job listing itself.
These notes can be viewed when reviewing applications on either the admin or ESS portals by clicking the 'information' icon at the top of the screen.

The second change is as shown in (2) on the first screenshot, where we have added a new Closing Date field to a job listing.
Previously, we only had the Publish and Unpublish dates, which controlled when job listings were shown on your HR Partner job board, and also shown on external job boards.
In the past, we had deemed the job listing to be inactive or closed whenever it went past the Unpublish date, but of course, when working on a complex hiring process, the actual steps of selecting suitable applicants and communicating with them will usually continue past the date that you remove the job ad from your board.
So now we give you the option of adding in a third Closing Date which can be after the Unpublish date, to give you more time to work on the candidate pipeline after the ad is taken down.
This means you can still send emails to prospective applicants, which was not a possibility on inactive job listings before.
We hope these small changes make your experience using our system a little easier. As always, please feel free to contact our Customer Success team if you have any questions or have any more ideas for improvement.