Sending SMS Messages

HR Partner has let your keep in touch with your employees since day 1 via SMS messages that can be sent out individually, or as a group message from our app.

This has proved invaluable to keep your team updated as to what was happening within the company, or to quickly get important information out to them.

Every customer of ours can purchase SMS credits to use up if they wanted to use this feature.

But there has been a small change this week.

We have switched to a new provider due to legislative changes for Telcos in a lot of countries where our customers operate.

You see, we used to send out messages with just 'HR Partner' as the sender ID so that your team knew where the message was coming from.

Unfortunately, due to anti-spamming and anti-scamming regulations that came into effect in most jurisdictions in the middle of this year, a lot of Telcos will no longer relay messages with an alphabetic sender ID.

This means we had to change to a different provider who could have greater sending reliability. But this also means that your employees will now see all HR Partner messages as originating from this particular US based phone number:

+1 (251) 220-1956

The new provider also has stricter checking of recipient mobile phone numbers, and you need to be sure that you include the international dialing code for your country as the prefix for every mobile number (as explained on the contact edit screen for mobile numbers in our app now).

We are sorry about this, but it is something outside of our direct control, and we have to comply with the telecommunications legislation in the jurisdictions that we operate in otherwise we will not be allowed to send SMS messages from our app at all.

Please advise all your employees that they can expect a change in the look and feel of the SMS messages they receive from you via our app - mainly the different sender ID on their phones. The News & Polls area of HR Partner is a great way to let them all know, or else you can send a broadcast email to your team from our app.

On the positive side, the reliability of delivery using this new provider seems to be much better, plus they can send messages a little cheaper than our previous provider in most countries so your credits will take longer to use up before you have to renew them.

Please feel free to contact our support team if you have any questions.