On Tabs and Leave

We have just made things a little more organised on our Employee edit screen in HR Partner. This was actually one of the biggest screens in the whole app, with so many fields to fill in, including custom defined fields, that it was starting to look messy, and it was taking a long time for our customers (and ourselves!) to find a field we needed to update quickly.

So, in our continuing efforts to improve usability and convenience for our customers, we have added a new tabbed interface to the employee editing screen, which now enables you to jump quickly to the section you need to be at.

You may also notice a new tab called 'Leave', which is where you can now enter in the leave allowances and balances for your employees directly within their edit window. (Note: You can still use the global balance entry screen if you want to update leave for many employees at once).

Tip: You may not see the 'Leave' tab if you have not enabled tracking of employee leave balances, or if you have not enable automatic accrual of leave within the system. Please drop us a line at support@hrpartner.io if you need help setting up these cool features in our software.