Location Restrictions For Leave Policies

As we grow every day, and welcome on board new customers who are spread all over the world, we are excited to be able to improve HR Partner to facilitate distributed teams to work better with a modern work force that is scattered across several countries.

While we have had powerful Vacation/Holiday/Leave Policies in HR Partner that enable you to set up complex rules for accruing and recording time off for employees, up until this week, those policies have been applied globally to ALL employees.

We now have customers with workers in different countries, all with different leave accrual rules and regulations, so this 'global' allocation of policies was not working, and causing confusion.

But our developers got busy and incorporated Location restrictions on leave policies now, so you can elect to have a leave accrual policy to be appocable to ALL employees, or else just employees in one, two, or more distinct locations.

A word of caution to existing users who are using the older style global policies right now - whilst transitioning to the new location specific policies is actually quite trivial, there are a couple of things to be aware of as far as setup goes, so we highly recommend that you talk to us about transitioning across to location specific leave policies. We are always happy to help out to make your work within HR Partner as smooth as possible.