Enhancements to Recruitment

We've been busy this past week making some enhancements to the Recruitment module in HR Partner.  While these may not look significant from the user's perspective, it did mean a lot of tweaking under the covers to try and make your workflow a lot smoother!

Check out the two new fields on the Job Listing edit screen.  We will explain these in more detail below.

New fields in Job Listing edit screen.

Specific Email Address For Responses

Previously, when you sent an automated email out to an applicant from within HR Partner, the 'reply to' address that they could respond to would be the email address of the admin user who sent that email out.

This is not always ideal, and a few of our users asked whether they could specify a particular email address that all replies would be sent to.  For instance, you may have a group email box, or you may want replies to go to a specific manager for a certain job.

Well, now you can do so.  You can specify one (or more) email addresses for candidate replies to be sent to.  If you are specifying more than one email address, make sure you separate the addresses with a semi-colon.

If you leave the field blank, then the system will default to the old behaviour, i.e. it will set the 'reply to' as the email address of the admin user sending out the email.

Automated Email Templates

When an applicant fills in an application form on your public HR Partner company job portal, you may want to customize the email message that is sent out to them.  Or you many want them to fill in an NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) or sign some other important paperwork.

The good news is that you can now do that.  You can set up as many custom email templates, or signable documents in the system, and you can specify which ones to automatically send to your applicant when they fill in the application form on your job site.

Email templates can be set up by going to: Company -> System -> Email Templates.  Add as many email templates as you like in here, and you can place custom fields in the subject line and body of the emails.  Any template defined as a 'Recruitment' or 'eSignature' template can be selected in a job listing (and each job listing can use different auto templates).

Just another example of our hardworking team making tweaks and changes to the system based on your feedback. Please let us know what you think of these new features!  As always, please reach out to us if you need a hand setting up Email Templates or Signable Documents in the system.