Emergency Contact Details

We have just expanded the contacts area of HR Partner based on lots of recent feedback from you.

We now have a separate 'Emergency Contacts' area where you can keep your employee Next of Kin contact details.  This area is shown separately for quick reference.

Your employees can also update their emergency contact details via the 'Profile' area on their employee portal if needed.

We've also expanded the normal and emergency contact details to carry extra information on the contact point, such as the next of kin's name, or perhaps the best hours to contact the employee via that contact point.

Lastly, we know that a lot of you wanted to generate contact lists from within HR Partner, so we have added a new Contacts Report within the reports menu to let you generate all sorts of contact reports.

Now you can generate a full contact list, or perhaps just the phone numbers of employees within a certain department, or perhaps just an emergency contact list for employees that work in a particular location?

You can also export this contact report to a CSV file so you can import it into Excel for further 'prettying up' and publishing for your team.