Birthdays and Anniversaries

We have just made some improvements to the birthdays and anniversaries page on HR Partner so that you get more accurate information on upcoming celebrations or annual review tasks that need to be carried out.

We've improved the widget used to select the range of months and year that you wish to show the Birthday or Anniversary list for.

Note: To select a range of months across TWO separate years, you will have to run two separate filters for one year, then the next - sorry.

This allows you to send a bulk email or SMS message to your employees that meet the filter criteria (e.g. an automated "Happy Birthday" message via a template), and we've also enhanced it to allow you to print a report, or export the list to CSV so you can do other things with the data.

Our API has also been improved to add new endpoints allowing you to obtain this same information in an automated way.  Check out our API documentation over at