Announcing Enhanced Expense Claim Approvals

When we announced enhanced leave request approvals a few months ago, we didn't realize what a smash hit it would become.  So much so, that our customers started asking for the same functionality elsewhere within HR Partner.

Well, the good news is that we just rolled out Enhance Expense Claim approvals today, which means that your employee expenses can be filtered through a complex routing of managers and colleagues to be properly approved.

You can now do things like have full time employee claims approved by different people than your part timers, or you can have international office claims go through a different set of managers than your local office claims.

You can even set up multiple layers of approval, e.g. The claim has to go to the employee's direct supervisor first, and if approved by them, then it goes to 3 section managers where at least 2 out of the 3 managers have to approve before it finally goes to the Finance Manager for the last approval phase.

(And YES, employees can now approve expense claims for their colleagues without having to be set up as admin users within our system!)

Read more about this on our help knowledgebase.  As always, one of our helpful, friendly team members will be on deck to help you in any way you need.

We also look forward to your feedback and suggestions for improvements.

As always, we are working as hard as possible to make HR Partner the best possible human resource tool for small to medium business around the world.